Members of Axe Cliff Golf Club celebrated a lively week of competitions, festivities, and camaraderie.

The Ladies Section kicked off with their awayday at Woodbury Golf and Country Club on the Acorns Course, featuring an unpredictable format of shuffled cards and hidden holes so the outcomes would be hard to predict.

Following the game, lunch and a golf ball contest ensued, showcasing a range of pre-prepared designs, from floral to abstract and even cartoon characters, with the ladies voting for the best-decorated golf ball.

The day of fun, organised by Karin Cox and Margaret Kenchington, was finished off with a general knowledge quiz.

Fun echoed in the Seniors' Brian Wilkes Stableford match where Simon Wellington, Richard Etheridge, and Mark Wisby participated.

The match was won by Roger Hill with an impressive 39 points, narrowly surpassing Paul Curtin's 38.

Capping the week's vibrant activities, the Men's Section contended for the annual Presidents Prize Cup.

This year's champion title went to retired postie, Paul Code, also with 39 points, followed closely by Shane Brown's 38.

David Long rounded off the podium, netting a respectable 37 points.