Honiton Golf Club Ladies Section held their second Open of the season with 84 players partaking despite overcast conditions.

The golf course welcomed enthusiasts from clubs around Devon and Somerset who joined players to compete on the well-preserved field.

While the weather may not have been sunny and warm, the welcome given to the visitors was.

Winners of the team event, which followed a waltz format, were varied.

The away team winners were Taunton and Pickeridge Golf Club, while the home team winners consisted of Barbara Cummings, Jo Donmall and Cathy Uttley.

The event also saw prize winners from diverse teams including Teign Valley, Stover, Ilfracombe and Lyme Regis.

The competition was not only a cherished occasion for the lady golfers but also shared by the senior men, who provided starters and spotters on the course.

The volunteer ladies also added a touch of warmth and hospitality to the event by running the Halfway House, where they served homemade cakes and refreshments on the 11th tee.

Meanwhile, there was also a tight finish to Honiton mixed as the Tuesday Mixed players participated in A Fun Betterball competition.

Both pairs had 47 points, but Mick Swann and Linda Curtis emerged as winners after securing 27 points on the back 9, beating Joan Smith and Frank Penny to second place.

Tracey Smith and Phil Wall finished third, just two points behind.

On the other hand, the Men's section saw Peter Wainwright and Matt Young triumphing with a 4/3 victory over Paul Stewart and Rob Southall-Brown in a winter competition played in July's fog and rain, a day November would have been proud of.

The Men's teams had an inconsistent week with the Dartmoor League team registering a 3-2 win against Fingle Glen.

For their next event, the Ladies section awaits their final Open of the year on September 4.

The upcoming event is part of the club’s Festival Week, which will feature Men’s and Mixed Opens along with a Pro Am event.

Judging by the sunshine spirit of the club, the event promises to be another success.