Diane Harris emerged victorious in the Lyme Regis Golf Club Ladies Annual Club Championships.

Harris bested all competition, clinching the prestigious Turner Denham Bowl by recording the two-day event's lowest combined Gross scores.

The tournament, held on June 20 and 21, was gruelling but thrilling, with a range of awards for competitors.

In addition to the main prize, the Wellings Salver for the best combined Nett score and the Morning Cup for the best day-one performance were also up for grabs.

On the opening day, Harris charged ahead, clocking a Gross score of 90.

Celia Beadle followed close behind with 91, scooping second place.

Nevertheless, Beadle's superior Nett score of 68 comfortably secured her the Morning Cup.

The second day, marked by a potent gusty wind, failed to deter Harris from extending her stellar run, as she scored a Gross of 92.

Her dogged performance earned her the distinct honour of Ladies Club Champion.

Amanda Cleary gave a commendable performance, returning a stunning Gross score of 87 in the second round, earning her the runner-up position in the championship.

Meanwhile, Beadle's two-day Nett score of 145 saw her snatch the Wellings Salver.

Jean Jolley's exceptional 12-shot improvement on her first-round score won her The Scots Trophy.

The champions were acknowledged in an award ceremony conducted by Lady Captain, Marina Cave.

The club expressed its thanks to Cyndy Mudford, who was responsible for checking the cards, scores and final results.

Also present at the ceremony were Vice Captain Rosemary Shepherd, last year's injured Champion, Marie Long, and over 40 members of the Lyme Regis Golf Club ladies.