OVER the last 12 months, Honiton Bowling Club has been raising money for charity TRIPP.

The money raised has been through book sales, raffles and coffee mornings and, this year, the nominated charity is TRIP, which has been presented with a cheque for £800.

Mandy Newman, the Chair of TRIP Trustees, was presented with a cheque for £800 by Di Hawkins, the Chair of the Bowling Club. 

Mandy thanked the Members of the Club for their hard work in raising the funds and explained the services that TRIP offers - drivers for medical appointments, outings, shopping trips, mobility equipment and a weekly Friendship Hub.

TRIP is the Honiton based charity providing accessible transport, mobility equipment and more to our community across East Devon. They recently moved from their old base in Honiton High Street to a new facility attached to Honiton Hospital. They offer a range of services from community transport, events to tackle isolation, and community transport around East Devon for people with mobility issues to access hospital.