Lyme Regis Bowling Club’s week started with those members wishing to take part in the various leagues attending trials, writes Paul Moffitt.

More accurately, this is just a get together to familiarise ourselves with bowling outdoors once again!

The men started on Monday evening in what at best were chilly conditions and after 10 ends we called it a day and made for the bar!

Tuesday afternoon saw the ladies’ limbering up in far more pleasant conditions, less wind and the sun on their backs.

This week sees competition for real, as the men’s A and B teams together with the ladies’ begin their respective league campaigns.

The men’s 1st team has a bye as one of the Greenhill teams has withdrawn and that has left a hole in the fixture list.

One friendly was played away at Queen Camel on a sunny, but with a northerly breeze, none too warm, day with Lyme running out the narrow winners by 95-88.

The scores were: A Foster, S Wood, N Solomon, A Allman (15-20); Doris Read, H Dowling, P Stephens, P Moffitt (17-15); C Clissold, R Cridge, M Gillett, N Stephens (24-13); S Cox, J Perry, D Wood, R Edwards (18-17);

B Smith, K Gardiner, J Moffitt, K Clissold (21-23).

This Saturday is the club’s Open Day when we are hoping to encourage the local community to come along and ‘have a go’.

It’s fun; it’s friendly and its good gentle exercise so come and give it a try.