The whole of Devon, including East Devon, has now been designated as a Tier 3 coronavirus area, residents are being urged to continue to play their part to protect themselves, their family, friends and neighbours

From midnight on Thursday, December 31, the district moved into tougher Tier 3 restrictions — also known as ‘alert level very high’ — following a rise in Covid-19 cases in recent weeks.

In Tier 3, people must not meet anybody outside their household or support bubble in any indoor or outdoor setting, whether at home, or in their garden. The 'rule of six' applies in open public spaces such as parks and beaches.

Hospitality, such as pubs, restaurants, bars and cafes, are allowed to stay open for takeaway, drive-through or delivery service only.

Full details are available on the new rules can be found on the government website at

Councillor Paul Arnott, Leader of East Devon District Council, said: "The threat from the new and more transmittable strain of the virus is extremely serious and the people of East Devon must do all they can to protect the health of both themselves and others.

“I wish everyone a happy new year and urge you to celebrate safely from your own home and respect at all times the increased safety obligations of Tier 3.”

Meanwhile, residents can help by taking the following simple steps to limit the spread of the virus:

  • Wear a face covering in enclosed environments.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Maintain social distancing including when meeting six people outside.
  • Self-isolate when infection is suspected or confirmed.
  • Ensure your home is well ventilated.

East Devon District Council has set up a Coronavirus Community Support Hub to help its vulnerable residents at this time. If you, or a friend or family member are clinically extremely vulnerable, or in need of help and support during the Coronavirus restrictions, there is a dedicated team who can help if you are:

  • Feeling isolated
  • Unable to access food or other services
  • Not sure on where to go for help and advice

Please check out East Devon District Council’s website at