AT the recent monthly meeting of Axminster Freemasons Lodge Virtue & Honor 494, the Worshipful Master Frank Thompson presents £1500 in cheques to local charities.

The £1500 in cheques which had been raised during the year of Worshipful Master John Bellamy came entirely from members within the lodge and from social functions with friends and family.

After enjoying dinner and drinks, presentations were made to each of the representatives, as seen in the photograph from Light Up Axminster, ARC Axminster, Axminster Food Bank, National Coast watch Lyme Bay and Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support.

On a previous evening, training was held up at Millway Rise Youth Football Club where Worshipful Master Frank Thompson attended and presented equipment and a cheque totalling £250 to the club - including members of the U12s squad and trainer Jack Bennett.

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