Everchange Emporium, located in Seaton, home of The Lunar Witches of Lunar Coven Cove, has become a must-visit hot spot for all witches and spiritualists across the UK.

Lunar Coven Cove is the name co-creators Harri and Kerri use to regularly showcase the magical shop online. They have racked up over 12.2k followers on Tiktok by regularly hosting live shopping events and posting witchy content. 

In the past six months, multiple fans of the shop have made journeys from all over the UK just to visit the space in Seaton, Devon, to take in the mystical atmosphere and meet The Lunar Witches in person.

Often staying in the local area, witchy visitors are making a weekend (or in some cases a week) of it, enjoying the beautiful coastline, staying in local accommodation and enjoying all the hospitality Seaton has to offer. 

Kerri and her husband Jon have owned the shop in Seaton since 2014 with the main focus of the store initially being selling art supplies, crafty kits and books. Though there were witchy books, tarot decks, crystals and other witchcraft supplies mixed in it was not obvious to all that Kerri was a witch. In 2023, when Harri first walked into the store, she instantly knew.

Kerri and Harri became fast friends connecting over their love of witchcraft and all things magical. Working together they decided to give the shop a makeover, changing the name to something better suited to Kerri’s constant need to move things around and change the stock. ‘Everchange Emporium’ was born in the late months of 2023 with ‘Lunar Coven Cove’ being the chosen name for online marketing. 

Though the shop initially faced some negativity and confusion surrounding what was happening behind the enchanted black front doors, this was quickly banished, and the shop has received endless support over the past eight months, both in store and online - allowing it to be able to enhance and develop rapidly. 

Kerri, Jon and Harri have big plans for the space moving forward, which they hope will further enhance the experience for their spiritual customers visiting from all over the UK and in turn help grow the local economy in Seaton. 

Kerri said: “An exciting new development is that we’ve applied for planning permission to extend the shop due to the success of the shop both in store and online. We are hoping to be able to offer an even bigger space for gatherings, meets, workshops and a treatment room for others who work in the spiritual community to come and offer their services such as crystal healing and reiki.”