East Devon District Council’s pest control service has been nationally recognised.

The council has been awarded membership of the British Pest Control Association (BPCA), the UK's leading trade body for pest control management experts.

The BPCA ensures its members operate ethically and with the highest level of technical proficiency.

To become a BPCA member, organisations must meet strict criteria and adhere to the BPCA’s codes of best practice.

The membership formally acknowledges East Devon District Council’s compliance with national codes of conduct, commitment to continuous professional development among its staff, and implementation of the latest pest control methods.

The council has a responsibility for protecting public health, and the pest control team, which provides a commercial service, can treat infestations of pests including rats, mice, wasps, fleas, cockroaches, and ants in private and council-owned premises.

In 2023/24, the council treated or removed 313 cases of rats, 253 wasp nests, 49 cases of mice, 18 cases of fleas, and 15 cases of ants.

The team can offer advice on the most appropriate course of action via the East Devon District Council website.

The cost of a treatment depends on the type of infestation, the environment, and whether the household is in receipt of benefits.

A summary of charges can also be found on the council website.

Membership of the BPCA will provide the team with greater access to resources and expert advice, ensuring that the service can respond to a range of pest control challenges.

The team will also benefit from support and training so they can stay at the forefront of best practices in the industry.

Councillor Geoff Jung, portfolio holder for coast, country, and environment at East Devon District Council, said: "Becoming a member of the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is a big achievement for us.

"It is thanks to the commitment of our pest control team, who keep our communities free from health risks, day in, day out.

"By following BPCA standards, our residents can be confident that the services we provide are of the highest quality, as we continue to safeguard public health and protect local homes and businesses."

Ian Andrew, chief executive of BPCA, said: "Membership of the BPCA requires businesses to be insured, with qualified staff who adhere to our codes of conduct and best practice.

"Pest control can be a complex industry, with an extensive knowledge of products, procedures and legislation required to find the most appropriate solution to a pest problem.

"Our members benefit from access to a host of support services and from the diverse membership options we offer."