Seaton resident Jodie Potter left 'confused' after East Devon District Council 'ban' children from playing ball games at Seafield Gardens.

EDDC have installed signs in parts of Seafield Gardens in Seaton that bans children from playing ball games there. 

EDDC admitted to Miss Potter that the signs had been installed after 'complaints the children were noisy and could damage the grass.'

"I also pointed out to him that there is crazy golf and tennis being played in sea field gardens both of which are ball games. He then admitted that someone had been pestering them to put the signs up as the children were noisy and could damage the grass."

She said that EDDC have suddenly designated an area that has been used by children for decades a ‘no hall games’ area. Children have been playing on this grass in Seafield Gardens in Seaton for decades (I myself played there in the 80s and 90s).

In July, she noticed three signs installed that read ‘No ball games’. She called the council twice to ask why this has happened without any public consultation. 

She said: "The man at EDDC I spoke to said someone had complained about some young children playing cricket on the grass. He believed there was a bye-law stating no ball games allowed at Seafield Gardens however when I asked him which bye law he couldn’t tell me.

Miss Potter went on to say that this is the only bit of grass some children in flats or shared housing) have to play on. 

In response to Jodie Potter's claims, a spokesman from East Devon District Council confirmed that “officers had responded to complaints that had been received and are continuing to monitor the situation in Seafield Gardens. We will liaise with and update residents as appropriate.”