Free bulb planting activities are being offered to schools this autumn.

Primary and secondary schools in Devon, Dorset, and South West Somerset are being given the opportunity to plant pollinator-friendly bulbs this autumn.

These include daffodils, snowdrops, English bluebells and crocus, which will bloom next spring.

Little Green Change, an environmental education company based in Lyme Regis, has been given funding by The Nineveh Charitable Trust to extend its Biodiversity in Schools project.

This allows for eco-friendly school-ground enhancements like bulb planting and free biodiversity assemblies for state-funded schools.

Weldmar daffodilsWeldmar daffodils (Image: Little Green Change)

These assemblies cover topics such as plants for pollinators and British wildlife.

Musbury Primary School, Axminster Community Primary Academy, Heathcoat Primary School in Tiverton, and St Michael's CE Primary Academy in Exeter have already benefited from the free assemblies and biodiversity improvements.

Beaminster School and The Woodroffe School in Lyme Regis are among the secondary schools that have taken advantage of Little Green Change's free biodiversity activities.

Feedback from schools can be found on Little Green Change's website, including comments from Mr Greeley, class 2 teacher at Musbury Primary School.

He said: "Thank you so much for the assembly.

"The children were really engaged and enjoyed it.

"They were excited about knowing there is only one type of honey bee in Britain.

"They also found it very interesting that bats help pollinate as well."

Spring flowering bulbs are an important early source of nectar for pollinators like bumblebees.

The queens can spend up to six months hibernating, so emerge in spring with very little energy, sometimes as early as February.

Without early nectar sources like snowdrops, they can die, so Little Green Change's free biodiversity education and action activities like this are vitally important.

Interested schools can contact Little Green Change directly for more information and to book a date at