Cycling Without Age, based in Seaton is on the lookout for sponsors of new trishaws, trustees and volunteer bike pilots.  

Cycling Without Age helps local people who find it difficult to visit the town and countryside to get out.

With the help of a volunteer pilot cyclist and a trishaw, outings will be to the seafront and the Wetlands to start with. The group has an old trishaw which residents may have seen already on the esplanade. 

However, if any local group or company would like to sponsor a new trishaw the group would to be keen to hear from them. They are also looking for trustees and volunteer bike pilots.  

Ben Tucker of Re:store said: “Travelling in a cycled trishaw people who can’t normally get around will be able to experience the wind in their hair and be close to nature. It’s early days but we want to make as much progress as we can while we put together our submission to the Charity Commission to establish Seaton’s Cycling Without Age as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. If any existing community groups would like to hear about our plans we would be pleased to attend your group to talk it through.” 

So please contact us at or at Seaton Waffle, c/o Seaton hospital if you can help or would like to be involved in any way or if you would like the group to come and chat about their plans.