A-Level and BTEC students at Woodroofe school in Lyme Regis are celebrating, after receiving top grades in their exams.

This cohort of students has experienced disruption to their education in previous years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and they should be especially proud of their achievements as we are in them.

Students who achieved at least one A grade include – Steven Churchill, Annaliese Cuthbert, Lil Miles, Amber O’Mahony, Jennifer Patchett, Daisy Shepherd, Daisy Smedley and Tori Ward.

Many top grades across all subject areas include in Art/Graphics, Biology, Chemistry, Classics, English Literature, Geography, History, Law, Maths, Media Studies, Politics, Psychology and Sociology where well over 50% of the cohort achieved a grade A* - B.

Of the 25 students studying the EPQ qualification, seven achieved an A* and five achieved an A grade. It is also worth noting that 14 students who graduated from Woodroffe in 2023 are also off to study at some of the best universities in the country this September.

Students will be leaving Woodroffe to take up places at many of the top universities in the country including Oxbridge and the Russell Group to name but a few. We wish all our students well and are confident that they are on course to succeed at degree level and beyond.

Dan Watts - headteacher said: "We are delighted with the excellent set of examination results achieved this year which represent performance in line with the outstanding pre-pandemic levels achieved by our students. We would like to extend our congratulations to all our wonderful students, it is well deserved.

"We at The Woodroffe School are immensely proud of our students, and we wish them the very best for the future. We continue to offer our full support and assistance to all students in the coming days and weeks, following the release of the A-Level and Level 3 results today, together we succeed.

"We have a strong track record of academic excellence, and this year is no different. Our students have achieved incredibly well across the extensive range of A-Level and Level 3 qualifications offered and will continue to do so within their chosen new destinations.

"We continue to be amazed by the commitment, resilience, and progress shown by our students both in their academic studies and wider school life.

"We also recognise the additional anxiety caused by the events of the past years and thank our parents and carers for their continued support in what is an extremely stressful process for all concerned.

"Our staff worked incredibly hard to ensure that our students have been cared for and have continued to receive the best education possible during their time with us.

"We have ensured that students have been given every chance to succeed and pursue their chosen next steps. And to our wonderful students, you have done, and will continue to do great things.

"The grades you have received today have been fully earned and are the result of your hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

"We look forward to hearing about your journey and the success you have in the future. Congratulations, enjoy today and look forward to tomorrow.

"We are delighted that the school year ended positively and that students were able to experience some of the key moments in their ongoing development, it was fantastic to see them enjoying time together at prom and seeing them celebrate their success today."

Mr Loveland – head of sixth-form said: “I am delighted with the success of our Sixth Form students this year. They worked incredibly hard to achieve an excellent set of results and I must also thank their teachers who are always there to support and guide them as needed. I am always impressed by the resilience and work ethic of our students, and their drive to succeed.

"They are excellent role models for the rest of the school, and I wish them the very best for the future."