Students and staff from Ted Wragg Trust schools in Devon have been celebrating their A Level results today (Aug 15.)   

Students across the Ted Wragg Trust, which includes Sidmouth College and Honiton Community College achieved a fantastic set of Post-16 results, more students than ever receiving top marks of A*-A. 

This has meant more students than ever achieved the results they wanted to go on to their next steps in life, whether that means studying at university, pursuing a vocational course, starting an apprenticeship or going into the world of work.  

The Sixth Form provision at Honiton Community College is rated Good by Ofsted.  Inspectors noted that the curriculum at the Sixth Form is well established and that students in the Sixth Form value the support they receive from staff. Honiton’s post-16 students are known throughout the Trust for their extraordinary fundraising efforts that secured their win at the inaugural Ted Wragg Awards for Student Community Leadership.  It was smiles all round in Honiton as over a fifth of all grades awarded were at A* or A. 

Moira Marder, chief executive Officer of the Ted Wragg Trust said: “A massive congratulations to all those students across Devon who have collected their A Level results this morning.  It has been a momentous day and it’s clear how hard both students and staff have worked to achieve such a fantastic set of results.  Whether students are going on to further study, apprenticeships or delving into the world of work, I wish them all the very best for the future. We are so proud of you all.” 

Alex Kirkbride, principal at Honiton Community College said: “This morning, we welcomed our amazing Year 13 students back into Honiton Community College to receive their results. We could not be prouder of these students. Starting their journey towards their GCSEs with multiple national lockdowns starting in Year 9, the scale of their achievements cannot be overstated.  

“With over a fifth of all grades awarded being A*/A’s, the dedication, resilience, and spirit of our Year 13s has definitely shone through. It has been a genuine pleasure to have seen the students’ journey through Post 16, and I wish them all the best in their next endeavours.”   

For further information on the Ted Wragg Trust website.