Baker Estates has submitted a planning application to build 37 new homes off Hayne Farm in Gittisham.

Application 24/1420/MRES has been sought by Baker Estates for a 'reserved matters' application to online the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 37 no. residential dwellings and associated garages, infrastructure and landscaping.

In 2023, plans were granted to knock down the existing farm buildings.

The home will be 34 open market of a mixture of one, two, three, four and five bedrooms. The affordable split is three dwellings made up of two-bedroom houses. 

Cycle storage will be provided within garages where these are provided. For dwellings without a garage, timber sheds will be provided within private rear gardens.

Waste and Recycling Storage for refuse and recycling bins will be provided within rear gardens, with gated access providing access to the front of the properties. 

The majority of the houses are to be two-storey. A smaller proportion of houses are to be 2.5 storey.

Access to the site will be the same as current access to the farmland. The homes are being built with community safety in mind, with communal areas and play spaces.  Dwellings have been designed to face each other to allow overlooking of neighbouring surroundings for nature surveillance. And traffic calming measures.

Parking for the homes will be a garage with car parking in front, as well as designated on-street parking.

The application will be discussed at the next Honiton Town Council planning committee at The Beehive next Tuesday (August 6) at 7pm. Members of the public are allowed to attend full council and planning meetings.

The matter will be discussed before being approved or refused by officers, before the meeting you can read the full details or comment on it via the East Devon District Council planning website.