The Honiton branch of the Royal British Legion needs help from the community in securing storage space to support this year’s Poppy Appeal.

The Poppy Appeal, a cornerstone of the Legion’s annual fundraising efforts, provides support to Service personnel, Veterans and their families. Nick Wadey said: "However, without adequate storage for poppies and related materials, the campaign is at risk."

The branch needs a space of three cubic metres, ideally within easy reach of the town centre. Local businesses, organisations, or individuals who can offer temporary or long-term storage solutions are encouraged to come forward.

The Legion's current storage facilities are insufficient to handle the growing needs of the Poppy Appeal. With Remembrance Day approaching, the demand for poppies and merchandise is higher than ever. The lack of proper storage not only hampers the distribution efforts but also risks damaging the materials, which are essential for the fundraising drive.

Nick Wadey, Chairman of the Honiton branch said: “We are appealing to the generosity of our community to help us find suitable storage space. Our volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the success of the Poppy Appeal, and having a secure, dry, and accessible location to store our items is crucial.”

Those able to assist are asked to contact the Honiton Royal British Legion directly at or by phone at 07793064303.

Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in ensuring that the Poppy Appeal continues to honour and support those who have served.