Lyme Regis is set to host an illustrated talk on Jane Austen at Woodmead Halls.

The event, Jane Austen: Woman and Writer, is open to all, and will start at 2.30pm on September 12.

There's an entrance fee of £2 for members and £5 for visitors.

Maureen Stiller, secretary and trustee of the Jane Austen Society, who is also an internationally renowned Austen expert, will be the speaker.

The society, which was established in 1940, purchased and preserved Austen's Chawton cottage where she lived from 1809-1817.

Her brother, Edward, had inherited the Chawton estate from wealthy relatives and offered the former stewards’ cottage, dating from the early 18th century to his mother and sisters as a permanent home.

The talk will touch on Austen's life, writing, and her time in Lyme Regis, where she wrote her last novel, Persuasion.

For further information, contact David Cox at 01297 443156.