Lyme Regis's much-adored Juggler sculpture has returned, and reinstated in a new position.

The juggling hare installation had been withdrawn from the community garden at Langmoor Gardens after it was damaged last year.

The sculpture has now been moved by the seafront gardens where the Langmoor and Lister Gardens meet.

This week saw the artist Clare Trenchard and the mayor, councillor David Ruffle, along with other councillors, revealing the renewed piece.

The sculpture is now standing near the Somers statue, gracing an expansive backdrop for its recurring performance.

Clare Trenchard said: "I'm thrilled he is back because he was originally inspired by the performers in Covent Garden and I feel he needs to perform.

"He has got this huge arena for his performance and he has got an amazing view."

She added that the sculpture had previously drawn numerous visitors to her studio and praised it for touching a broad audience.

Ms Trenchard said: "He captures the imagination of so many people and I'm very grateful to Lyme Regis for taking him on."

Mr Ruffle said: "I used to come up here in the mornings before work at sunrise just to take pictures of the Juggler with the sun coming up behind it.

"I always think it's quite magical.

“To me, I always think of Lewis Carroll and Alice in Wonderland when I see this and it’s so good to have it back because it’s a focal spot to the gardens and it’s wonderful.

"Clare, thank you so much for bringing it back to us."