AXMINSTER Chamber of Commerce has launched its latest banner trail and invites children to design their own.

The people of Axminster can discover more about their town through the summer holidays by participating in a free trail competition that tracks the town’s street banners.

Each of the 30 banners telling a different story about Axminster’s past or its present, giving an into the world-famous carpet industry plus the less well known brushes and feathers industries. Other banners explore the local countryside, wildlife, community spirit, independent traders and market day.

Young people can not only locate the banners but also to design their own banner to show why they think Axminster is special. Trail packs are available now from Axminster Printing or can be downloaded from the Chamber’s website.

The competition is open for ages 5-9 and 10-14 and requires parent or guardian approval plus accompaniment for those under ten years.

A variety of prizes have been donated by Axminster Tools, Axminster Printing, The Sweet Shop and Archway Bookshop and will be awarded by judges on September 2.

Axminster Chamber of Commerce Chair Jane Rockett said: "We are delighted to launch the Banners Trail following the arrival of the latest ones in South Street. We are very grateful to the wonderful team of volunteers who design, stitch, paint and display them each summer. Following the trail is a great way, for adults and children alike,  to learn  the story behind each banner and discover more about our town."

"The Axminster’s banners campaign was launched three years ago and has progressively added to its collection. Several more are in the production line right now and will be added to the display in the weeks ahead."