Seaton Repair Cafe (SRC) held its first event on Saturday (July 13) in Seaton Library and organisers say it was 'highly successful.'

MP Richard Foord opened the event. Seaton town mayor and council chairman, Cllr Amrik Singh attended along with Seaton Town Cllrs Neil Dyke & Cheryl Wood.

17 volunteers were helping on the day, including eight menders. 17 items were booked in including vacuum cleaners, a hedge trimmer, a grass cutter, garden shears, a sewing machine, rucksacks, clothing, table lamps, curling tong and jewellery.

SRC also fixed the fairy lights of the wicker reading pod in the children’s section of Seaton Library. Only one item could not be repaired as a vacuum cleaner motor needed a full replacement.

Helen Vines from Community Action Group Devon said: ” It was a great morning. Such a buzz. Fantastic repair stats for a first event. CAG Devon has been delighted to support SRC from the germ of an idea to this first hugely successful event and wish them every success as they grow. And so great to be co-located at the library, where so many people were curious about the new repair café and someone even nipped home to collect an item to be repaired, once they knew what it was all about!”.

Resident, Lucinda had her sewing machine fixed, she said:  “Absolutely fantastic service! Paul repaired my sewing machine after 10 years of waiting. So delighted. And I was offered cake! What an asset to sustainable living in Seaton.”

SRC also received a grant to set up from Seaton Town Council, Cllr Amrik Singh said “We are proud to support Seaton Repair Café, a wonderful addition to the many community groups and services that are available in this town. It is hoped that Seaton Repair Café will help people realise that it is not difficult to repair most items which in turn will help people to save money, reduce the amount of items that end up in landfill as well providing an opportunity for social interaction and learning between the volunteers and members of the public.”

SRC would like to thank the local community and volunteers who made the first Repair Cafe a great start. If you’d like to join us we still need menders, cake makers and committee members including a fundraiser.

Seaton Repair Cafe's next session is on the 10th of August. For more info about Seaton Repair Cafe follow them on Facebook.