A member of the Community Speed Watch scheme in Smeatharpe is accusing Devon and Cornwall Police of ageism after a change in insurance policy excludes over 75-year-olds.

Graham Long, a volunteer of Speed Watch has now left the group. Each group needs a minimum of six members, with Graham's departure, the group does not have enough members to carry on.

The Smeatharpe arm of the operation has been running for more than 10 years, but will now close due to a lack of members.

Speaking to the Herald, he said: "We received a letter in May, telling people that due to a change in an insurance policy, over 75s can no longer be insured, I count this as ageism and no longer wanted to be part of a company who discriminates against age.

The letter said it was unwise for anyone 75 or over to continue as a CSW volunteer. The 2010 Equalities Act defines age as a “protected characteristic” along with sex, religion and race, and makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of a protected characteristic. Devon & Cornwall police claim they believe they have every right to vary insurance in this way, in contradiction of the 2010 Equalities Act.

"Volunteers affected by this discrimination have no alternative but to resign if they consider their life and well being as valuable as that of someone under 75 but as CSW groups often rely on older volunteers, such CSW groups will close down. "

Adrian Leisk, Devon and Cornwall Police Head of Road Safety in response to Graham's claims said: "As the business area lead for Community Speedwatch I can state that it is categorically untrue that any volunteers are being excluded from the scheme.

"Although Community Speedwatch (CSW) volunteers are not police vetted volunteers, their activities are covered under our force Public Liability Insurance. This has no upper age limit or cap on amount payable and is exactly the same cover which was in place last year and the year before that. This insurance covers volunteers against any acts of omissions by Devon & Cornwall Police whilst undertaking CSW activity in accordance with agreed working practices.

"Our force insurance coverage and complexity of the arrangements are significant. The personal injury cover added this year is additional to what has always been in place, and I have asked that our Insurance and Risk Department review the situation to explore whether this is the highest level of cover we can obtain.

"Community SpeedWatch is highly valued by Devon & Cornwall Police and the safety and support provided to scheme volunteers is our priority in managing the scheme."