Stockland CE Primary Academy judged as Good with Outstanding Behaviour and Attitudes by Ofsted.

Pupils and staff at Stockland CE Primary Academy near Honiton are celebrating having been judged as Good with Outstanding Behaviour and Attitudes during their recent OFSTED inspection.

Rebecca Bendall, Headteacher said: "We are extremely proud of the outcome. This outcome is a real acknowledgement of how the staff team have worked tirelessly during our school improvement journey to achieve the best education for our children. Thank you to every member of our school and Trust, the local governing committee, the church and Diocese, all of the support from parents, PTA and of course, our amazing children. This judgement is fantastic news for our school and I could not be prouder of everything we have achieved.’ said Miss Bendall."

Cheryl Weyman Academies for Character and Excellence Trust Leader, said: "We are pleased the inspection highlighted the ambition of the curriculum at Stockland. We believe in nurturing every aspect of our children’s growth across our schools, focusing not only on academic excellence but also character development and the skills necessary for lifelong learning."