A Branscombe resident is organising a tombola and raffle in her husband's memory to fundraise for Seaton Hospice at Home.

Sue Pitt's fundraiser will take place at Branscombe Village Hall on Saturday, May 25 from 10am to 3pm.

The event is dedicated to her late husband, Roger Pitt, and all proceeds will go to Seaton Hospice at Home's end-of life service caring for patients in their own homes.

Ms Pitt said: "I lost my husband Roger in December 2023 after a long hard battle with cancer.

"The nurses from Seaton Hospice at Home were amazing.

"Roger really didn't want to go into the hospital, this was only possible because of the care and help we both received from the palliative nurses, it was second to none.

"So I am holding this fundraiser as I may need them one day."

She has gathered an impressive range of over 30 prizes for the tombola, including a £120 voucher for the Mason Arms, two tickets for Exeter Chiefs, and a gold wine tasting at Lyme Bay Winery.

More than 100 tombola prizes are on offer, including a Great British Bake Off Hamper, whisky, gin, wine, beauty boxes and many more.

Midweek Herald:

Ms Pitt added: "I hope you will come and support us on Saturday May 25th at Branscombe village hall, 10am until 3pm, for refreshments and more.

"The Seaton Hospice at Home nurses are a huge asset as the nearest hospital is 20-odd miles away from my rural village.

"I would not have coped without them."

Seaton & District Hospital League of Friends, who fund the Hospice at Home service, expressed their gratitude to Sue Pitt for the work she's put into the event, and everyone else who supports them.

For more information email info@SeatonLOF.co.uk, visit www.SeatonLOF.co.uk or phone 01297 20143.