Two Otter Garden Centres staff have been developing a head for heights as they prepare for a skydive to raise money for Hospiscare.

Lauren Pearcy, who lives in Honiton, and colleague Sally Bright will leap from a plane above Dunkeswell Airfield on Friday, May 26.

As ‘a bit of a warm-up’ they visited the Adrenaline Quarry adventure park in Cornwall to experience a giant swing and a 50-metre-high zip line.

Lauren said: “The skydive is completely out of both of our comfort zones so we’re feeling a mixture of emotions about jumping from 15,000ft. But overall we’re both excited!”

The pair have undertaken several fundraising activities for Hospiscare over the last few years, including an annual charity walk with other Otter Garden Centres staff.

Midweek Herald:

Lauren said: “We support Hospiscare because we both lost our mums to cancer and Hospiscare was there for them and u,s and it’s important to us that their services can continue to be there for anyone who may need them.”

Lauren and Sally are inviting donations via JustGiving