Planning permission has been sought to convert a hairdressers in Axminster into a house.

The former Cuts & Co site on Boxfield Road could become a house under the plans, submitted to East Devon District Council (EDDC) on Friday, December 9.

The site is currently empty having been used as a hair & beauty salon until the end of October 2022. The site located in a residential street.

The report says: "The existing parking area shall remain, providing two parking spaces on the site. Cycle storage is available in the rear courtyard.

"The approach to the dwelling is via the existing hard standing area and steps. The recycling boxes and bag can be stored within the rear courtyard, with the black wheelie bin within the walled parking area.

"This site can provide a new windfall dwelling, within an established settlement, and in so doing helping the Local Authority meet its housing target and relieving pressure to use Greenfield sites elsewhere.

"The proposed has been designed to reuse the existing building with minimal alterations, ensuring the carbon footprint of the conversion works is minimal."

Read the full planning application on EDDC's planning website here - Simple Search ( with reference 22/2714/FUL.