Axminster could be getting a new 'Banking Hub' next year - to replace the former Lloyds Bank.

Talks are currently ongoing between Axminster Town Council, the Chamber of Commerce and local landlords to create a new banking hub. It is unclear when this new scheme will be live.

Axminster had been earmarked as the site of a trial for one of the newly created Banking Hubs, a venture between the major banks, and the Post office, headed up by the Cash Action Group.

At this stage, no firm details of when and where the hub would open but a few weeks ago, a target date was set for the opening of the hub would be August 2023 at a site as yet undetermined though negiotaions with a town centre landlord has been hopeful.

Since the Lloyds Bank closed in the town last month, we have been campaigning for a Banking Hub in the town. The Town Council also asked MP, Richard Foord, and Cllr. Rufus Gilbert from Devon CC, to help them campaign which has led to Axminster being earmarked for the new trial.

A spokesman for Axminster Town Council said: "We have already seen pressures on access to financial services when the Post Office branch in West Street was obliged to close due to staff shortages and with the occasional malfunctioning of the ATM at the Tesco store, this effectively left Axminster residents and businesses without access to cash, and the wider range of banking services that many, including our most vulnerable citizens, need on a regular basis."

"The Town Council continues to work with the Chamber of Commerce and local businesses to hasten the delivery of the banking hub and we are grateful to the powers-that-be that Axminster has been chosen to receive this facility which – whilst not replacing a proper banking branch – will deliver a “halfway-house” solution and ease the pressures on those that cannot (or simply chose not to) use online services and 100% card payment methods."