Comedy poet Robert Garnham will be performing his new show Yay! The Search for Happiness in Seaton.

The event place in Seaton Library at 6pm on Wednesday November 9. Robert Garnham has been performing LGBT comedy poetry around the UK for 10 years at various fringes and festivals and has had three collections published by Burning Eye.

He has won slams in places such as London, Edinburgh and Swindon and headlined or featured at events such as Bang Said the Gun, Raise the Bar, and Milk and in 2019.

The event is part of a partnership project where arts organisations and libraries work together to platform and amplify diverse voices in non-urban spaces, taking place in libraries across Devon this month.

The project has been made possible by the National Rural Touring Forum. Delivered by the Touring Arts In Libraries Project in partnership with Villages in Action.

This performance is part of a series of events taking place in libraries across Devon this month. Mair George, from Villages in Action said: “There are a wealth of talented performance artists making exciting work in the Southwest that focus on identity and personal experiences. We're really excited to present three spoken word artists, each with their unique story, into libraries which are important cultural and community spaces.”

For more information or to book a ticket visit: