Richard Foord visited TRIP’s office on Thursday to find out more about the charity’s work and meet some of the staff and trustees. 

Val Royle, who started the charity, was on hand to tell Richard how it all started and he was updated on all the types of work we take on today from shopping trips, holidays, outings and selling mobility equipment.

Richard Foord said after the visit: "TRIP has grown into an amazing charity from its small beginnings and it continues to serve the East Devon community."

TRIP Honiton was established in 1997 to provide transport for our local community.  Over the last few years, TRIP has expanded into many other areas. From Befriending to making Christmas dinners and community transport around East Devon.

As a charity TRIP has a group of trustees who oversee the organisation and help to steer everyone in the right direction. Made of up members of our communities we work to ensure everyone is represented.

If you, or a member of your family,  are Linley or unable to get out, please give us a ring on 01404 46529 for more information.